RANS Airworthiness Directives

To be emailed immediately with any new or updated RANS Airworthiness Directives then please register by sending an email with these details to info@skycraft.ltd
AD-106 S-12 Tailboom Extension
AD-109 S-12XL Airaile Nose Gear
AD-113 2-3 Longeron/Main Gear Brace Attach Point
AD-115 Hegar Master Brake Cylinders
AD-116 S-12 912 Muffler Inspection
AD-117 Anti-Deflection Pulleys
AD-119 Limit Load Factors, Never Exceed Speed, Spin Approval, Taildragger Configuration
AD-121 Control Stick Stop Ring
AD-122 912/912S Oil Pressure Sender & Oil Pressure Switch
AD-126 Engine Mount for Rotax 912 Engines
AD-128 Aileron Push Pull Tubes/Rear Lift Struts With Adjustable Lower End
AD-129 Engine Torsion Strut Bolt & Coolant Socket Tube Interference
AD-130 S-6 Coyote II Improved Tail Spring Mount & Steer Horns
AD-132 Control Stick Connector
AD-136 Hour Meter Oil Pressure Switch Leak