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Brake Linings (Set 4) [2 wheels]

Brake Linings (Set 4) [2 wheels]

P/No: 2269-5

Regular price £91.55 (£109.86 including VAT)
Regular price Sale price £91.55
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3 in stock

Each set contains 4 Linings complete with adhesive and application notes. Original pre-assembled shoes are no longer available. Old brake linings are removed with a cold chisel (or similar) and the metal brake carrier is thoroughly de-greased and cleaned. Abrade the surface of the metal brake carrier and the internal face of the new lining with coarse sand paper and clean away sanded surfaces. Mix the two pack adhesive as instructions and thinly apply to both surfaces. Clamp the lining in place using small spring clamps along each side. Leave to cure for 8 hours at 16 C. Clean off surplus adhesive during application and clamping. Application notes supplied with each kit.
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